Resources for Pastors and Churches
Helpful resources for the various aspects of church ministry
Pastor Networks ("Clusters")
Wichita Area
2nd Wednesday9:00 to 11:30West EFC1161 N. Maize RdWichita, KSContact Person:
Eric Douglasseric@beaconlife.orgPhone Number: (316) 641-3235
Kansas City Area
1st Thursdays10:00 to 12:00, then lunchGrace Fellowship10201 W 127 StOverland Park, KSContact Person:
Jeff Barclayjeff@ccclawrence.orgPhone Number: (785) 766-7417
Central Nebraska
1st Tuesday10:00 to 2:00Trinity EFC613 18th AveHoldrege, NEContact Person:
Eric Phone Number: (308) 991-3988Randy Phone Number: (307) 331-2243
Northeast Nebraska
2nd Monday (or 3rd Monday)10:00 to 2:00Victory Road EFC1201 Victory RdNorfolk, NEor (check with the leader)
Stanton EFC500 8th Street Stanton, NE
Contact Person:
Michael Vincentmichael.vincent@victoryefc.comPhone Number: 402-992-9829
Eastern Nebraska
2nd or 3rd Tuesday9:00 to noonYork EFC2121 N Delaware AveYork, NEContact Person:
Aaron Fesenmeyerpastor.yefc@gmail.com402.362.7740
Western Nebraska
2nd Tuesday8:30 a.m. MT Sidney EFC2763 11 AveSidney, NEContact Person:
Kyle Larsonlarson.kylew@gmail.comPhone Number: (308) 249-1979
Southeast Nebraska
2nd TuesdayRiverview Community Church324 N 32 nd StAshland, NEContact Person:
Jason Thacker, Oak Lake EFC Pastorjason@oaklake.orgLed by Anthony PrattPhone Number: (402) 944 - 6134Affiliating with the EFCA and the MWD
"A Cloud of Witnesses" Podcast
MWD Authors and Their Works
Pastor Search
Pastors' Bibliography
EFCA Archives
Whenever your church celebrates an anniversary or significant event, please send copies of everything to the EFCA Archives at
Also, if you have historical documents, records of previous celebrations - anything that would be good for the archives, please send them along.
You can view the archives HERE.
Pulpit Supply
Pastor Kevin Andres
Omaha, NE402.427.4181kevin@168.networkPastor Donald Adams
Grand Island, NE403-560-1072donald@efcamidwest.orgMR LES BENNETT
Columbus, NE 402-564-6525 (home) 402-564-3611 (work) llbenne@frontiernet.netREV MARK BRUNOTT
Lincoln, NE 402-730-2113PASTOR DAVID HALL
Omaha, NE 970-573-2137 wychapln@yahoo.comREV ANGUS MCDONALD
Omaha, NE 757-613-2493 angsuemcd@gmail.comPAT MOORE
Hazard, NE 308-380-3922 wpatmoore3@gmail.comKip Nanninga
Holdrege, NEdougreed2009@icloud.comPastor Duane Russell
(308) 320-4793
Loomis, NE 68958 (KRVN radio announcer 308-324-2371)MR JOB VIGIL
North Platte, NE 308-660-2944
Wichita, Kansas316-734-3167michaelpandrus@gmail.comMr. Jason Burrows
KC Metrojjasonburrows@gmail.com312.804.8517Rev Joe Eash
Wichita, Kansaseashjoe@icloud.comKIP NANNINGA
512-415-3185 knanninga7@gmail.comResources from the National Office

EFCA Helps
A library of relevant resources for church leaders

Crisis Response
When crisis creates a new mission field, we're there to share the love of Christ with those in need

NextStep Resources
Books and other ministry materials

The Movement Magazine
The EFCA's annualpublication highlighting stories of God at work within the Evangelical FreeChurch of America.

Statement of Faith study guide
A study guide video series by the Evangelical Free Church of America and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Our Ministry Partners

Midwest District Foundation
Financial resources for churches and ministry students

Christian Homes Care Community
Residential elder care

Timberlake Ranch Camps
Retreats and student camps

Protect My Ministry
MWD churches get a group rate on background checks. Click the link to find out how your MWD church can get the rate. NOTE: If you don't already have an account, PMM prefers that you contact them first ( before clicking on this link.

Rightnow Media
Pastors-only free subscription!Check out the video library and see if this tool is right for your church. Pastors' subscriptions are a free gift from the MWD.

Christian Investors Financial
Financial services on mission
Midwest District Bylaws
Click HERE to download a PDF of the MWD Bylaws